Streamline the creditworthiness assessment of customers

Do you already have your own paper or digital new customer onboarding process, but want to make the process of assessing their creditworthiness easier? Access Approve is the answer.

Business Problem

Great news, you have a new customer! They’ve completed your paper application or digital onboarding process. Now it’s decision time – do you accept them as a customer and offer them trade credit, and what is the appropriate limit? Manual creditworthiness checks can be time consuming and many businesses are looking for a streamlined process that is fast, easy and transparent.

Product Solution

Access Approve is our automated trade credit application, assessment, and approval software. Approve can be used as a standalone decision tool, by simply entering an ABN to get a decision.

This allows you to:

  1. Validate the entity
  2. Receive an instant insolvency risk score and adverse alerts (at time of creation)
  3. Generate additional credit reports as needed
  4. Make a decision to approve, refer, recommend or decline

Additional features include:

  • Automate your trade reference process – no more cold-calling! Build you own questions and with one click of a button an email request will be sent
  • Register on PPSR seamlessly in just a few clicks

Expected Result

Our fast, streamlined implementation gets you onboard within 24 hours for standard setup. You can begin assessing new customers instantly and help your business grow.

Ready to streamline the assessment of your new customers?

Book a tailored demo with our team to learn more.